Teenage suicide is a heartbreaking and urgent issue that demands our attention. As adolescents navigate the challenges of adolescence, they may experience overwhelming emotions and a sense of hopelessness. It is crucial to prioritize teenage suicide prevention by...
Developing strong social skills in children is vital for them as they navigate the world and form meaningful connections with others. Social skills enable them to communicate effectively, empathize with others, build friendships, and navigate social situations with...
Traumatic experiences can have profound and lasting effects on individuals, particularly when they occur during childhood. The impact of trauma on children can extend well into adulthood, shaping a person’s emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. ...
Academic anxiety refers to excessive worry, fear, or stress related to academic performance. It can manifest as a fear of failure, perfectionism, self-doubt, or a constant need for approval from teachers or parents. Children experiencing academic anxiety may display...
In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, children’s mental health has become a pressing concern. The well-being of our young ones extends beyond the boundaries of the home. Children spend more awake hours at school than at home. Thus, teachers have...