Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention services are intensive community-based one-to-one services provided to persons who require services to control acute symptoms that place the person at immediate risk of hospitalization, incarceration, or placement in a more restrictive treatment setting. 

This service includes assessment, behavioral skills training, problem-solving, and reality orientation to help a person identify and manage their symptoms of mental illness, and cope with stressors.

Crisis Intervention From AOC Outreach

Who Crisis Intervention Is For

Crisis intervention services may be provided in extended observation or crisis residential units. Crisis intervention services may not be provided to a person who is currently admitted to a crisis stabilization unit. Crisis intervention services consist of the following interventions: 

  • An assessment of dangerousness of the person to self or others 
  • The provision of emergency care services that include crisis screening and response, telephone access, emergency case services, urgent care services, routine care services, and access to emergency medical/crisis services 
  • Behavior skills training to assist the person in reducing distress and managing symptoms 
  • Problem-solving 
  • Reality orientation to help the person identify and manage his or her symptoms of serious mental illness or SED 
  •  Providing instruction, structure, and emotional support to the person in adapting to and coping with immediate stressors Crisis intervention services are available to eligible children youth and adults.
    Information Document During Service

    In addition to the general requirements described above, when providing crisis services, a provider must document the following information:

      • Risk of suicide or homicide
      • Substance use
      • Trauma, abuse, or neglect
      • The outcome of the crisis (e.g., person in hospital, person with friend and scheduled to see doctor at 9:00 a.m. the following day)
      • All actions (including rehabilitative interventions and referrals to other agencies) used by the provider to address the problems presented
      • The response of the person, and if appropriate, the response of the LAR and family members
      • Any pertinent event or behavior relating to the person’s treatment that occurs during the provision of the service
      • Follow up activities that may include referral to another provider
      No Out of pocket costs

      AOC is 100% medicaid funded. That means that families have no out of pocket costs for services. 

      life changing services in houston, texas

      family focused

      Medicaid funded

      intensive services

      no out of pocket costs

      leading community mental health

      Reach out

      Phone Number: 1-855-AOC-6100

      24 Hours Crisis Line: 832-934-7770

      Hours: Monday-Friday 9-5PM

      Location: Houston & San Antonio areas

      Insurance Accepted

      Medicaid: Texas Children Health Plan, Superior Health Plan, Molina Healthcare, United Healthcare

      Private: Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, & Cigna


      Houston Office: 6671 Southwest Freeway, Suite 675, Houston, Texas, 77074

      San Antonio Mailing Address: 45 Northeast Loop 410 Suite 207, San Antonio, Texas 78216 

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