Psychosocial Rehab Services
Psychosocial rehab services (PRS) are a mix of mental health services that helps people with mental health concerns develop the social, emotional, and intellectual skills they need to live happily with the smallest amount of professional assistance they can manage.

Psychosocial Rehab Services at AOC Outreach
What Do The Services Include?
Psychosocial rehabilitative services include independent living services, coordination services, and employment, housing, and medication-related services. Psychosocial rehabilitative services may also address the impact of co-occurring disorders upon the person’s ability to reduce symptomology and increase daily functioning.
Who Is Not eligible?
Psychosocial rehabilitative services may not be provided to a person who is currently admitted to a crisis stabilization unit.
If psychosocial rehabilitation is in the treatment plan, the treatment plan also cannot simultaneously include skills training and development or targeted case management services.
No Out of pocket costs
AOC is 100% medicaid funded. That means that families have no out of pocket costs for services.
life changing services in houston, texas
family focused
Medicaid funded
intensive services
no out of pocket costs
leading community mental health
Reach out
Phone Number: 1-855-AOC-6100
24 Hours Crisis Line: 832-934-7770
Hours: Monday-Friday 9-5PM
Location: Houston & San Antonio areas
Houston Email:
San Antonio Email:
Insurance Accepted
Medicaid: Texas Children Health Plan, Superior Health Plan, Molina Healthcare, United Healthcare
Private: Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, & Cigna
Houston Office: 6671 Southwest Freeway, Suite 675, Houston, Texas, 77074
San Antonio Mailing Address: 45 Northeast Loop 410 Suite 207, San Antonio, Texas 78216
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