Skills Training & Development

Skills training and development is training provided to an eligible person, the LAR, or primary caregiver on behalf of an eligible adult, child, or youth. The training addresses: 

  • Serious mental illness or SED and symptom-related problems that interfere with the person’s functioning and living, working, and learning environment. 
  • Provides opportunities for the person to acquire and improve skills needed to function as appropriately and independently as possible in the community. 
  • The person’s community integration and increases his or her community tenure.

Skills Training & development at AOC Outreach

What The Training Focuses on

Skills training and supportive interventions focus on the improvement of communication skills, appropriate interpersonal behaviors and other skills necessary for independent living or, when age appropriate, functioning effectively with family, peers, and teachers. 

Skills training and development services consist of increasing the LAR’s or primary caregiver’s understanding of and ability to respond to the person’s needs identified in the uniform assessment or documented in the treatment plan. 

What The Training Includes

Skills training and development may include: 

  • Skills related to personal hygiene. 
  • Pro-social skills. 
  • Assertiveness skills. 
  • Anger management skills. 
  • Stress reduction techniques. 
  • Communication skills. 
  • Transportation utilization. 
  • Money management. 
  • The development of natural supports. 
  • Access to needed services in the community, e.g., medical care, substance use services, legal services, living accommodations. 
  • Social skills (e.g., communicating one’s needs to strangers and making appropriate choices for the use of leisure time). 
Who The Training Is Not For

Persons receiving skills training and development are not eligible to simultaneously receive psychosocial rehabilitative services and both services should not be simultaneously listed in the person’s treatment plan.

No Out of pocket costs

AOC is 100% medicaid funded. That means that families have no out of pocket costs for services. 

life changing services in houston, texas

family focused

Medicaid funded

intensive services

no out of pocket costs

leading community mental health

Reach out

Phone Number: 1-855-AOC-6100

24 Hours Crisis Line: 832-934-7770

Hours: Monday-Friday 9-5PM

Location: Houston & San Antonio areas

Insurance Accepted

Medicaid: Texas Children Health Plan, Superior Health Plan, Molina Healthcare, United Healthcare

Private: Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, & Cigna


Houston Office: 6671 Southwest Freeway, Suite 675, Houston, Texas, 77074

San Antonio Mailing Address: 45 Northeast Loop 410 Suite 207, San Antonio, Texas 78216 

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